Fox Slip-On Veneers

Unlike a crown, which covers the entire tooth, a veneer is a thin shell that is placed over the front or visible parts of the tooth. There are two types of veneers, ceramic veneers that are produced by a dental laboratory and resin-based composite veneers. With proper care, your new veneers will greatly improve your appearance and increase your confidence for years to come.

Fox Slip-on Veneers
Fox Slip-on veneers are custom designed to give you the beautiful smile you've always dreamed of. Unlike traditional veneers, there are no shots, no drilling of sensitive tooth structure, and no pain. They're even reversible, so you have nothing to lose and a beautiful smile to gain. Plus, slip-on veneers are proven to last for many years, so your beautiful smile will be with you for years and years.

When you transfer it takes only 2 easy visits for Dr. Fox to bring out your beautiful smile. During your first visit a precision mold will be taken. You and Dr. Fox will also choose the right shade for your new, permanently white smile. On your second visit, your custom designed slip-on veneers are checked for fit and shade. Then, they're painlessly attached. That's it; A healthy, natural, permanently white smile you've always wanted in only 2 visits.